Case Studies

Saber Foundation Repair Case Studies: PolyLevel(R) Repairs a Warehouse Floor in Vista

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There are several cracks, that are now Trip Hazards in a concrete warehouse floor. Several Voids have formed, and are expanding, due to Shifting Soils.


Saber Drilled 23 Holes through the Concrete slabs and into the Voids. We then filled all of these voids with Polyurethane, by using our State-of-the-Art PolyLevel Injection Process. All of the low spots, on the floor, were lifted back to a Consistant Elevation. The cracks are no longer expanding, and all Trip Hazards have been eliminated.

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Our Locations:

7301 Madison St
Paramount, CA 90723

1320 Distribution Way Suite B
Vista, CA 92081
Saber Foundation Repair Service Area