Before & After

Commercial Foundations Before & After Photos

Click on a photo to enlarge.

PolyLEVEL™ in Los Angeles

Saber was contracted to raise the concrete slab of a Truck Dock in Los Angeles, California.  The effects of PolyLEVEL™ are amazing.  Check out these before and afters of the project!

PolyLEVEL™ used to raise Truck Dock slab

Saber was contracted to raise the concrete slab of a Truck Dock in Los Angeles, California.  The effects of PolyLEVEL™ are amazing.  Check out these before and afters of the project!

Helical Piles Los Angeles, Ca

Helical Piers in Los Angeles

Long Beach fuel containment support

Remodeling of existing fuel containment systems required a need for temporary support during the construction process.  A series of helical piers and custom brackets were installed to hold the perimeter steel structure while it was undermined for the remodel.

Fixing a Block Wall in Torrance

The Before Picture shows a newly installed Block Wall, that is leaning, creating gaps. This is a definite safety issue.

The After Picture Shows the same area after Saber's Crew installed Tensioning Helical Tiebacks to the wall. Notice there are no gaps. The wall is no longer leaning.

our service area

We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

7301 Madison St
Paramount, CA 90723

1320 Distribution Way Suite B
Vista, CA 92081
Saber Foundation Repair Service Area