Commercial Case Studies

A grocery warehouse that stored dry and chilled fresh foods had a problem. The Coachella warehouse had an issue with...

Saber was called in to anchor a new shear wall at the Edwards Air Force Base Combined Test Force Compound...

Saber was called in by General Contractor D.J. Scheffler Inc. of Pomona to repair settling foundations for one of the...

Saber was called in to stabilize and level flooring of a building used for development and production of a high-technology...

In May of 2011 Saber was contacted by the City of Brea, CA department of Public Works to inspect and...
In March of 2011, Saber was contacted to inspect and give recommendations to level an existing concrete slab at a...

Saber was called in to stabilize two office buildings in Aliso Viejo, CA. The buildings, located on a hillside, had...

Saber was called in to stabilize and level flooring of an office/industrial building within the Park Place campus in Irvine,...

The intersection of Ellis Avenue and Newland Street in Fountain Valley faced significant challenges, prompting the city's decision to close...

A Block Retaining Wall is Cracking and Leaning. It is in danger of toppling over....

Saber was called in by the First Chinese Baptist Church toeliminate trip hazards within the church campus. The second phaseof...

A geo-specialty contractor called Saber in to stabilize a shearing wall for a home in the Silver Lake area of...